Wednesday, September 04, 2024


In the grandeur of this manor

Lined with all its’ gilded service

Lies a subtle message of

The privilege I can’t recall.


Shunned by lines of landed gentry

I am from more sturdy stock

Whose generations tended fields

For those who dwell inside these walls.


All the finery to witness,

All that riches can provide.

Priceless points of peerless crystal

Filling out these faultless halls.


In my folly youth I longed to

Know these treasures, taste the wine,

Kiss the fair-haired maiden as

We waltzed at the cotillion ball.


But alas, reality comes beckoning as if on cue

To quell this ostentatious paradox,

Send it to oblivion unceremoniously,

Or keep it safely sealed inside a box.


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