Wednesday, February 26, 2020


Information saturation,
Overload… Overload.
What to think… who to believe.
Which can to kick down a dusty road.

When did sincerity morph into whimsy?
Where was integrity banished to hide?
How can I sort through the flotsam encountered
While taming the beast in life’s carnival ride?

Truth is the pillar, the mainstay, the
Linchpin of human morality and intervention.
When honesty waivers it dies of corruption
Til trust is destroyed beyond all recognition.

And we are the weavers,
The guardians of truth,
The prim and the pious who spearhead the way.
We cannot cede or renounce our position
Lest devastation conquers the day.

And when in the end we come back to the fold
Where laughter and logic abound,
It’s honesty’s voice that gives us the choice
To speak out without making a sound.

Lulu Storefront:

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