Sunday, May 17, 2020

I’m Not Ready to Let Go

How many memories can one heart hold?
How many years are enough?
Why must the ending be so bittersweet?
To where does the time disappear?

There are no limits on memories, I’m told,
As Father Time teases his bluff,
And endings lay treasures of gold at out feet
As life gently soothes every tear.

At least that’s the theory.
It’s what we are bid to believe
As we grieve day by day.
But deep down inside
Where the soul shrinks to hide
There’s an aching that won’t go away.

And I must admit
That the mantle won’t fit
As I sit in a stuporous throe
And stumble and pray
Someone shows me the way.
So unready to let you go.

Lulu Storefront:

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