Tuesday, October 05, 2021


There’s an ending out there somewhere.

Every story must evolve, must resolve

To grand conclusion,

Bland illusion set aside.


I am, you am, we am puppets

In this Punch and Judy show

Waiting for the plot to catch us

In the house where we reside.


Someone called it criminal.

Someone let the devil in.

Someone stumbles through the darkness

Desperate to get away.


No one knows the final answer.

No one dares to take a guess.

No one angles to impede

Progression toward the yea or nay.


There will come a summing up.

There must be a hit or miss.

All that’s precious, all that’s sure…

Someone has to finish this.

 Lulu Storefront: http://www.lulu.com/dsmartin

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