Monday, August 15, 2022

Gator by the Tail

Cripes! I really did it this time.

Grabbed that gator by the tail.

Its snapping jaws a menace

Not just to me, but any soul

Who enters in his sphere of reach.

Taste the fury of a creature

Who survives without emotion

In his murky world below.

I knew when I waded in his lair

The possibilities were there

For vile entanglement, but there’s a large

Reward for taking chances.

I know you wouldn’t want to see me spurn,

Simply turn and walk away

While the constant music plays

And the competition dances.

But now that I’ve found the Holy Grail,

Took this gator by the tail,

While his massive body flails,

Tell me, what am I to do?

If I hold, can I compete?

If I let go, am I dead meat?

Now’s the time for super heroes,

Time to pay the Devil’s due.

Lulu Storefront:

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