Friday, July 12, 2019

Thinking Small

The tiniest creatures
Will often times cause the
Most irritation for Humankind.
The pesky barrage of the
Infinitesimal pest is a test
Of the tolerant mind.
Consider the flea, the louse
Or the tick,
Diminutive blood-sucking vermin
Who kick and claw
Until they get into your skin,
Inviting legions of their kith and kin
To come along for the bountiful feast,
And drink the blood of the giant beast.
But the most destructive cannot be seen
With the naked eye, no matter how keen.
They breed and grow without procreation
'Til their legions are the size of a nation,
And their needful ways are cause for alarm
As we shrink from their coming
And quake from their harm.
Microscopic beast of evil,
Hidden armies you employ.
Singular is your agenda;
Humankind would you destroy.

Lulu Storefront:

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