Wednesday, April 15, 2020


We set aside one day each year
To celebrate our thankfulness;
An admirable affirmation of
The blissful grace we savor.

A prayer for all the bounty and
The blessings, softly offered up,
Before a feast of plenty gives me
Cause to seek His favor.

Grateful for the joyful comfort
In this crazy, karmic world,
Hopeful for a bright tomorrow
Fanciful with filigree.

Crazed to praise the hand of fate
And faith that makes things possible,
Knowing that the love I give will
Find its way back home to me.

Makes me wonder wistfully
As I saunter life’s highway.
If ‘tis comely once-a-year,
Why not be thankful every day.

Lulu Storefront:

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