Sunday, May 08, 2022

Five Senses

A deep magenta morning sky,

The warble of a nightingale.

Flavors from my coffee cup

Invade my taste and sense of smell.

The sun lights gentle on my skin,

Satin soft and faintly warm

Assures me with its subtle touch

I am safe and free from harm.


Let me meditate a while

Taking every morsel in

To savor softness in each breath

Like soothing strings of a violin.

And when I close my eyes, I see

With sharpened sensitivity

The sights, the smells, the taste, the touch,

The melodies I love so much.


Running free through endless meadows

Laughing loud and leaping fences

Dare I pause in retrospect,

Thankful for these awesome senses.

 Lulu Storefront:

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