Thursday, June 30, 2022

The Blushing Groom

You do not come to this day without fear,

Without trepidation, without doubt or woe, but

You cannot imagine your future without her,

A chasm so deep that you don’t want to know.


Who is this siren whose song so enthralls?

Whose wiles have enslaved your resistance to naught?

How have you fallen to her bold enchantment?

Is this the world of perfection you’ve sought?


Questions come quickly while answers take flight,

Slaving your soul, an unquenchable quest.

But all doubt is squelched by the lilt of her laughter.

The answer is simple. The answer is yes.


She waits in the wing, demure in her beauty.

You stand at the ready, a bundle of nerves.

Trying to catch just a glimpse of her ankle,

Knowing she’s more than you’ll ever deserve.


Somewhere there’s music to coax in the background.

Everywhere smiles adorn faces with love.

You at attention, a blush on your cheek.

Waiting. Adoring. Blessed from above.

 Lulu Storefront:

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